Grave Markers to Last


What goes into grave markers, and what will make it last? You may have no idea what is available, or even where to start looking when it comes to purchasing a grave marker. There are plenty of options, and many dealers to choose from, but what makes a quality and lasting monument? You may find yourself a little overwhelmed by all the choices. We hope to help you understand why granite grave markers are made to last.


Why we love granite Grave Markers

Why we Love Granite Grave MarkersYou may have found that monuments, memorials, and other grave markers are constructed from a large variety of materials. Apart from granite, marble, cement, and bronze are a few you may have noticed. We favor granite, so much so, we made it our specialty. Granite has some great qualities that make it stand out both in beauty and in durability. Did you know granite actually is formed with pressure, so it makes sense that it will not crumble under pressure? Another great attribute of granite is where it comes from. It comes from nature, so of course, it will hold up in natural elements such as the weather, and all of its seasons. Granite grave markers are durable unique and beautiful. We also love that every slab will have its own unique color variation. That means no two stones will look alike, and that creates a more distinctive family memorial for each family.

Here at Delphos Granite Works, we consider it a great privilege to help you and your family create a grave marker that will last. We have tons of options, ranging from simple and traditional all the way to grand and custom. Every grave marker is unique and should help to reflect the life being memorialized in the stone. We work hard to make every step in the process a sweet one, and we look forward to working with you. Contact Us today or visit an Authorized Dealer near you!