Grave Markers: Marking a memory


Grave markers mark the resting place of your loved one, but it can be a challenge to find a good time to deal with all these sorts of details. Some, push through and get these sort of things done almost in a daze, some wait a long time before they are ready. There is no right or wrong time to make decisions like these as all seem to go through the grieving process in their own personal time table. Deciding on grave markers should come at a good time for your family.

Grave Markers: Marking a memoryYou may have found yourself in one of the three areas of grief: Disbelief, experiencing the loss, or re-organization. Disbelief can be triggered by the sudden change in reality and can cause overwhelming thoughts and feelings to loved ones dealing with loss. Experiencing the loss of your loved one is different for everyone and can include feelings of anger, guilt, and depression. Some may even experience all of these emotions. Not one of these personal and raw feelings are easy, but we all go through them and experience them in our own way. Re-Organizing is normally the last stage of grief, and everyone arrives here at their own pace. During this time, loved ones find they are ready to take steps into the future and find healing from the hurt of loss. These three stages are our personal time to reflect back, and in time, remember our loved one with a joyful heart. Many times, loved ones find that handling details during the re-organizing phase can be helpful in moving forward.

Grave markers are a sweet reminder of the love shared, and time spent together. We believe that grave markers mark a memory. Here at Delphos Granite Works, it is our personal goal to assist you and your family in the process of choosing a memorial, with compassion and patience.