Memorial Headstones - What to Expect When Shopping

It can be hard to imagine what to expect when shopping for memorial headstones. After all, the purchase of a headstone comes at a difficult time and there are so many options out there. Knowing what to expect and where to start can become a little overwhelming. We hope to help you understand what you can expect while you and your family are deciding on memorial headstones to honor a lost loved one. It is our aim to offer up a starting point, that you may enter into the process with a little wisdom to take with you.

Gravestones: When do I start looking for memorials?

Shopping for gravestones can be a difficult task to take on after the death of a loved one. There is no set amount of time to start looking for gravestones or memorials for your loved ones resting place. One of the worst experiences for anyone in the grieving process is being rushed or pressured into purchasing a memorial stone. Shopping for gravestones should come after you have gone through the grieving process, not during. Every family will experience the grieving process differently, but its important to remember you don’t have to hurry through it.

Headstones within Budget

It can be a challenge to find good quality headstones and stay within a budget. We hope to be able to help you understand how you and your family can save money and still purchase quality headstones. Let’s face it, today's market has had an effect on all of our pocketbooks, and sometimes the unexpected costs after the loss of a loved one can be a little overwhelming. In some cases, memorial services haven't been planned for, and a grieving family is left with this burden. This can already be a stressful time, and adding financial stress can add to the load. It is so important to remember you are not required to purchase anything in a rush, and you should never be “sold” headstones your family is unable to afford. Beautiful headstones of great quality can be purchased within almost every budget. Here are some areas you may want to consider while shopping for headstones and gravestones to help you stay within a healthy budget for your family.

Custom Gravestones - Growing more Popular

Custom Gravestones and other types of monuments are becoming more and more popular today. In the past, a headstone was looked to as a symbol of wealth. Today, gravestones serve more as a celebration of a life lived. Perhaps, that's why so many people choose to commemorate a lost loved one with custom gravestones and monuments. Many families view memorial gravestones as a piece of art, in honor of their family members. Gravestones mark their resting place and will be visited many times, so making it beautiful and unique will serve as a great reminder of the love shared time after time.

Memorial Headstones - Pre-Planning

After losing a loved one, it can be difficult for family members to choose memorial headstones. Memorials are a special gift to be cherished over and over again as a loved one visits the resting place of someone they have lost. Choosing to pre-plan your own memorial can be a gift to your loved ones as well, as it will alleviate them of having to choose one, in a painful time. Pre-planning memorial headstones for yourself has many other benefits to be considered, as well.

Finding Grave markers: A starting point

Honoring the life of a loved one after they have departed from this earth can look different for every family. Every family, and individual grieves differently, and at a different pace. Though we all grieve in our own personal way, there are some common emotions we will all face as we move into the future after the loss of a friend or loved one. Deciding on when to begin looking for grave markers can be a confusing and highly emotional time. It is important to understand that it is okay to take time to process and sort through all you are feeling. There should never be pressured to purchase or even start looking for grave markers until your family has decided they are ready.

Organizing the Dedication of a Granite Bench Memorial

If you and your family are in the beginning stages of planning a granite bench memorial and the dedication of that bench, this guide may help you get started. We hope to be able to help you organize and establish your memorial, and make the planning process go as smoothly as possible. Bench memorials are a beautiful and unique way to memorialize your lost loved one, but where do you start?

About us

Delphos Granite Works is the largest monument company in northwest Ohio with 35 locations and representatives to serve you. We offer cemetery headstone, gravestones, headstones, monuments, and many other granite products.

Contact Us

201 E. First St.
P.O. Box 336
Delphos, OH 45833

(419) 695-5500
(419) 695-0317
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Monday thru Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm

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Sunday: Closed

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7:00am to 3:00pm