Granite Bench Memorials In Public Places


A granite bench memorial is a great additive to any public space. Many people only think of cemeteries when they think of bench memorials. But with the modern designs that laser etching provides, granite bench memorials can now be put almost anywhere. 

If your late grandmother enjoyed the park or a particular walking path, maybe a granite bench memorial would be perfect to put there. Having memorials set up in places that your loved ones enjoyed can be a great way to learn to love that place too. 

Granite bench memorials are beautiful and functional. They provide something to admire and a place to rest when tired. You might enjoy the memorial even if the person was a stranger to you. It can be a cool way to pay tribute to someone you never knew. Finding a spot that they used to love and loving it too.

Is A Granite Bench Memorial Right For You?

Is A Granite Bench Memorial Right For You?When planning for your or your loved one's memorial, you want to choose something special. You may not love cemeteries. Or you may want to be memorialized in multiple ways. Although granite bench memorials can be in cemeteries, they can also be placed anywhere with approval. 

Think about places that you loved, and envision a memorial there. Would it make sense to put a memorial at your favorite fishing spot? Or the basketball court that you used to take your kids to? The answer is yes. If your family will go to those places after you pass, that could be a great way for them to memorialize you.

If you feel like a granite bench memorial is the best way to remember someone you love, give Delphos Granite Works a call today. Our service team will help you create the perfect memorial. Contact Us Today!