Keeping Your Cemetery Headstone Clean

Cemetery headstones are prone to overgrowth. Most cemetery groundskeepers are only responsible for mowing and up keeping the main areas of the cemetery. They trim the high grass off the path and road, but they don't clean the headstones themselves. When the grass starts to overgrow, it hides the beauty underneath. If you live too far away from the cemetery, you may not be able to clean it yourself. 

Cemetery Headstone Cleaning Service

Cemetery Headstone Cleaning ServiceThe best way to keep your loved ones' cemetery headstone free and clear from overgrowth and grime is to hire a cleaning service to do it for you. The cleaning service will give you a price in exchange for their services, and most will send you before and after pictures to show what they have done. 

If you want your headstone to be around for decades to come, you want to prevent decay. Removing debris and stains can keep the stone in good condition. Your headstone will age faster when exposed to the elements and not maintained properly.

The best part about our company is that we use 100% granite 100% of the time. Cleaning services are familiar with cleaning granite headstones better than less used materials. Finding a cleaning service to help with your cemetery headstone from us will be easy. Granite is one of the best-known materials used for headstones. There is a wide variety of cleaning services that will happily clean your headstone.

We at Delphos Granite Works take pride in using granite to create our cemetery headstones. Knowing that our customers can always find an affordable cleaning service to use gives us comfort. If you or a loved one are ready to purchase a cemetery headstone, we would love to have a chat with you. Be sure to call us today! Contact Us Today!

About us

Delphos Granite Works is the largest monument company in northwest Ohio with 35 locations and representatives to serve you. We offer cemetery headstone, gravestones, headstones, monuments, and many other granite products.

Contact Us

201 E. First St.
P.O. Box 336
Delphos, OH 45833

(419) 695-5500
(419) 695-0317
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Business hours

Come visit us!

Monday thru Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm

After hours by appointment

Saturday: By appointment only

Sunday: Closed

Delivery Receiving Hours:
Monday thru Friday
7:00am to 3:00pm